St Francis Way spiritual pilgrimage on footsteps of Saint Francis of Assisi Umbria Italy

St Francis' Way

One route to reach Assisi following in the footsteps of St Francis, whether leaving from the North (Firenze - Rimini - La Verna) or the South (Rome). Coming from Assisi, you can decide to reach on foot the Eternal City following the St Francis Way - of Rome.

The St Francis' way is an itinerary on foot, by bicycle and on horseback that links together several "places" that bear witness to the life and preaching of the Saint of Assisi; a “new” pilgrimage route, which intends to reintroduce the Franciscan experience in the lands that the Poor Man walked through on his travels.
In its adherence to the story of St Francis, the Way is plausible and charming: the landscapes that the pilgrim will see are the same that brought joy to the simple heart of St Francis; stop-off locations preserve the memory of his words and his gestures; the people you meet along the route are related to him. In spite of everything, Umbria has remained Francesco's land, nourished by a spirituality that speaks of love for the small things, of respect and gratitude for creation, of generous hospitality to the next man, whoever he may be.
Walking along the St Francis' Way is, therefore, an authentic spiritual journey that satisfies man's desire, even modern man, to seek the meaning of his own existence deep within himself. The figure of St Francis, towering over Assisi, which is the final destination of the walk, in reality accompanies you throughout the journey, speaking to the heart and mind of the traveller about the possibility of leading your everyday life in total harmony with the world, with man and with God.
It is a precious art of living and the most authentic result of the journey to Assisi: a gift that the Umbria of St Francis is able to give the pilgrim or any person approaching it with an open heart. 
To discover and learn more about the stages of the Ways of Saint Francis in Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and Lazio:
Ways of Saint Francis in Tuscany - Click here
Ways of Saint Francis in Emilia Romagna - Click here
Way of Saint Francis in Lazio - Click here

The stages of the St Francis' Way

m Hike and meditation on the camino of st Francis from la Verna to Assisi

Northern Way - Stage 1

from La Verna to Pieve Santo Stefano

From: La Verna (Arezzo)
To: Pieve Santo Stefano (Arezzo)
Distance: 14,9 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsNorthern WayMediumLa VernaPieve Santo StefanoLa VernaPieve Santo Stefano

m northen way camino stages pilgrimage of St Francis

Northern Way - Stage 2

from Pieve Santo Stefano to Sansepolcro

From: Pieve Santo Stefano (Arezzo)
To: Sansepolcro (Arezzo)
Distance: 35,17 Km
Difficulty: very challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsNorthern WayChallengingPieve Santo StefanoSansepolcroPieve Santo StefanoSansepolcro

m trekking pilgrims the st francis way

Northern Way - Stage 3

from Sansepolcro to Citerna

From: Sansepolcro (Arezzo)
To: Citerna
Distance: 12,17 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsNorthern WayEasyCiternaSansepolcroCiternaSansepolcro

m via francigena di san francesco spiritual pilgrimage franciscan site

Northern Way - Stage 4

from Citerna to Città di Castello

From: Citerna
To: Città di Castello
Distance: 19,9 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsNorthern WayMediumCiternaCittà di CastelloCiternaCittà di Castello

m franciscan itineraries walking trails the route of st francis assisi pilgrimage

Northern Way - Stage 5

from Città di Castello to Pietralunga

From: Città di Castello
To: Pietralunga
Distance: 29,535 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsNorthern WayChallengingCittà di CastelloPietralungaCittà di CastelloPietralunga

m Spiritual journey in the footsteps of St Francis of Assisi pilgrimage walk

Northern Way - Stage 6

from Pietralunga to Gubbio

From: Pietralunga
To: Gubbio
Distance: 26,145 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsNorthern WayMediumGubbioPietralungaGubbioPietralunga

m pilgrims walking along the way of st francis assisi stages of the journey

Northern Way - Stage 7

from Gubbio to Valfabbrica

From: Gubbio
To: Valfabbrica
Distance: 38 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsNorthern WayChallengingGubbioValfabbricaGubbioValfabbrica

m franciscan sites pilgrimage in the footstep of saint francis of assisi

Northern Way - Stage 8 

from Valfabbrica to Assisi

From: Valfabbrica
To: Assisi
Distance: 13,46 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsNorthern WayEasyAssisiValfabbricaAssisiValfabbrica

m pilgrims walk together on path to san Francesco of Assisi

Northern Way - Alternative route through Perugia - Stage 8A

from Valfabbrica to Perugia

Form: Valfabbrica
To: Perugia
Distance: 29,2 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsNorthern WayChallengingPerugiaValfabbricaPerugiaValfabbrica

m walking on the way of Francis pilgrims spiritual experience

Northern Way - Alternative route through Perugia - Stage 8B

from Perugia to Assisi

From: Perugia
To: Assisi
Distance: 25,37 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsNorthern WayMediumAssisiPerugiaAssisiPerugia

m excursion by bike via di francesco from la verna to assisi

Northern Way - Stage 1

from La Verna to Citerna

From: La Verna (Arezzo)
To: Citerna
Distance: 55 Km
Difficulty: medium-challenging
Tags: CyclingAll the directionsNorthern WayAll the directionsNorthern WayMediumChallengingCiternaLa VernaCiternaLa Verna

m path by bike on via francigena di francesco di assisi

Northern Way - Stage 2

from Citerna to Pietralunga

From: Citerna
To: Pietralunga
Distance: 46,3 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: CyclingAll the directionsNorthern WayAll the directionsNorthern WayChallengingCiternaPietralungaCiternaPietralunga

m excursion by bike on via di san francesco

Northern Way - Stage 3

from Pietralunga to Gubbio

From: Pitralunga
To: Gubbio
Distance: 27 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: CyclingAll the directionsNorthern WayAll the directionsNorthern WayMediumGubbioPietralungaGubbioPietralunga

m gubbio stages by bike the via di francesco

Northern Way - Stage 4

from Gubbio to Valfabbrica

From: Gubbio
To: Valfabbrica
Distance: 35,5 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: CyclingAll the directionsNorthern WayAll the directionsNorthern WayChallengingGubbioValfabbricaGubbioValfabbrica

m cycling route on the places of st francis valfabbrica

Northern Way - Stage 5

from Valfabbrica to Perugia

From: Valfabbrica
To: Perugia
Distance: 28 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: CyclingAll the directionsNorthern WayAll the directionsNorthern WayMediumPerugiaValfabbricaPerugiaValfabbrica

m pilgrimage and meditation between valfabbrica and assisi with the bike

Northern Way - Alternative route - Stage 5A

from Valfabbrica to Assisi

From: Valfabbrica
To: Assisi
Distance: 25 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: CyclingAll the directionsNorthern WayAll the directionsNorthern WayEasyAssisiValfabbricaAssisiValfabbrica

m Perugia Assisi by bike history and pilgrimage the way of francis

Northern Way - Stage 6

from Perugia to Assisi

From: Perugia
To: Assisi
Distance: 25 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: All the directionsNorthern WayAll the directionsNorthern WayEasyAssisiPerugiaAssisiPerugia

m pilgrims in prayer on track of francesco

Southern Way - Stage 1 

Rome: from San Pietro to Monte Sacro

From: San Pietro 
To: Monte Sacro
Distance: 15,21 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: Monte SacroRomaWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayEasyMonte SacroRomaMonte SacroRoma

m pilgrims on track of Francesco pilgrimage

Southern Way - Stage 2 

from Monte Sacro to Monterotondo

From: Monte Sacro 
To: Monterotondo
Distance: 18,05 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: Monte SacroMonterotondoWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayEasyMonte SacroMonterotondoMonte SacroMonterotondo

m southern way from monterotondo to ponticelli di scandriglia

Southern Way - Stage 3 

from Monterotondo to Ponticelli di Scandriglia

From: Monterotondo 
To: Ponticelli di Scandriglia
Distance: 28,885 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: MonterotondoPonticelli di ScandrigliaWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayMediumMonterotondoPonticelli di ScandrigliaMonterotondoPonticelli di Scandriglia

m the path of south deviation for Farfa

Southern Way - Alternative route through Farfa - Stage 3A

Alternative route through Farfa

From: Acquaviva di Nerola
To: Ponticelli di Scandriglia
Distance: 26,265 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: FarfaWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayChallengingFarfaFarfa

m In path track of francesco pilgrimage

Southern Way - Stage 4 

from Ponticelli to Scandriglia a Poggio San Lorenzo

From: Ponticelli di Scandriglia
To: Poggio San Lorenzo
Distance: 20,41 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: Poggio San LorenzoPonticelli di ScandrigliaWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayChallengingPoggio San LorenzoPonticelli di ScandrigliaPoggio San LorenzoPonticelli di Scandriglia

m the path of south poggio san lorenzo rieti

Southern Way - Stage 5 

from Poggio San Lorenzo to Rieti

From: Poggio San Lorenzo
To: Rieti
Distance: 21,815 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: Poggio San LorenzoRietiWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayMediumPoggio San LorenzoRietiPoggio San LorenzoRieti

m the path of south from rieti to poggio bustone

Southern Way - Stage 6 

from Rieti to Poggio Bustone

From: Rieti
To: Poggio Bustone
Distance: 17,794 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: Poggio BustoneRietiWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayMediumPoggio BustoneRietiPoggio BustoneRieti

m travel on foot on the way of francesco of assisi to greccio

Southern Way - Alternative route through Terni - Stage 6A

from Rieti to Greccio

From: Rieti
To: Greccio
Distance: 23,45 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: GreccioRietiWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayMediumGreccioRietiGreccioRieti

m the path of south variant for terni

Southern Way - Alternative route through Terni - Stage 6B

from Greccio to Terni

From: Greccio
To: Terni
Distance: 21,925 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: GreccioTerniWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayEasyGreccioTerniGreccioTerni

m the path of south variant for Terni

Southern Way - Alternative route through Terni - Stage 6C

from Terni to Arrone

From: Terni
To: Arrone
Distance: 15,7 Km
Difficulty: Easy
Tags: ArroneTerniWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayEasyArroneTerniArroneTerni

m the path of south from poggio bustone to piediluco

Southern Way - Stage 7 

from Poggio Bustone to Piediluco

From: Poggio Bustone
To: Piediluco
Distance: 22,041 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: PiedilucoPoggio BustoneWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayChallengingPiedilucoPoggio BustonePiedilucoPoggio Bustone

m the path of south from piediluco to arrone

Southern Way - Stage 8 

from Piediluco to Arrone

From: Piediluco
To: Arrone
Distance: 12,987 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: ArronePiedilucoWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayEasyArronePiedilucoArronePiediluco

m the path of south from arrone to ceselli

Southern Way - Stage 9 

from Arrone to Ceselli

From: Arrone
To: Ceselli
Distance: 14,635 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: ArroneCeselliWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayEasyArroneCeselliArroneCeselli

m bosco di san francesco pilgrimage st francis way

Southern Way - Stage 10 

from Ceselli to Spoleto

From: Ceselli
To: Spoleto
Distance: 16,240 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: CeselliSpoletoWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayChallengingCeselliSpoletoCeselliSpoleto

m the path of south from spoleto to poreta

Southern Way - Stage 11 

from Spoleto to Poreta

From: Spoleto
To: Poreta
Distance: 15,55 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: PoretaSpoletoWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayMediumPoretaSpoletoPoretaSpoleto

m the path of south from poreta to trevi

Southern Way - Stage 12 

from Poreta to Trevi

From: Poreta
To: Trevi
Distance: 12,075 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: PoretaTreviWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayMediumPoretaTreviPoretaTrevi

m the path of south from trevi to foligno

Southern Way - Stage 13 

from Trevi to Foligno

From: Trevi
To: Foligno
Distance: 12,448 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: FolignoTreviWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayEasyFolignoTreviFolignoTrevi

m the track of francesco pilgrimage meditation travel on foot

Southern Way - Stage 14 

from Foligno to Assisi

From: Foligno
To: Assisi
Distance: 19,345 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: AssisiFolignoWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayEasyAssisiFolignoAssisiFoligno

m the path of south from foligno to assisi hiking

Southern Way - Stage 14 (hiking)

from Foligno to Assisi

From: Foligno
To: Assisi
Distance: 22,25 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: AssisiFolignoWalkingAll the directionsSouthern WayChallengingAssisiFolignoAssisiFoligno

m Pilgrimage to san pietro by bike via di francesco assisi

Southern Way - Stage 1

from San Pietro to Monterotondo

From: San Pietro
To: Monterotondo
Distance: 35 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: MonterotondoPonticelli di ScandrigliaCyclingAll the directionsSouthern WayAll the directionsSouthern WayMediumMonterotondoPonticelli di ScandrigliaMonterotondoPonticelli di Scandriglia

m Via Francigena st francis of assisi by bike monterotondo ponticelli

Southern Way - Stage 2

from Monterotondo to Ponticelli di Scandriglia

From: Monterotondo
To: Ponticelli
Distance: 30 Km
Difficulty: medium-challenging
Tags: MonterotondoPonticelli di ScandrigliaCyclingAll the directionsSouthern WayAll the directionsSouthern WayMediumChallengingMonterotondoPonticelli di ScandrigliaMonterotondoPonticelli di Scandriglia

m Stage rieti ponticelli by bike on the way of Francis of Assisi

Southern Way - Stage 3

from Ponticelli di Scandriglia to Rieti

From: Ponticelli
To: Rieti
Distance: 45 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: Ponticelli di ScandrigliaRietiCyclingAll the directionsSouthern WayAll the directionsSouthern WayChallengingPonticelli di ScandrigliaRietiPonticelli di ScandrigliaRieti

m way of san francesco path of pilgrimage by bike

Southern Way - Stage 4

from Rieti to Piediluco

From: Rieti
To: Piediluco
Distance: 44,5 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: PiedilucoRietiCyclingAll the directionsSouthern WayAll the directionsSouthern WayChallengingPiedilucoRietiPiedilucoRieti

m journey by bike on Francis of Assisi way greccio

Southern Way - Alternative route - Stage 4A

from Rieti to Greccio

From: Rieti
To: Greccio
Distance: 21,5 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: GreccioRietiCyclingAll the directionsSouthern WayAll the directionsSouthern WayMediumGreccioRietiGreccioRieti

m bike route southern way rieti variant stroncone

Southern Way - Alternative route - Stage 4B

from Greccio to Stroncone

From: Greccio
To: Stroncone
Distance: 44 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: GreccioStronconeCyclingAll the directionsSouthern WayAll the directionsSouthern WayChallengingGreccioStronconeGreccioStroncone

m in bicicletta nella via del sud da stroncone a scheggino

Southern Way - Alternative route - Stage 4C

from Stroncone to Scheggino

From: Stroncone
To: Scheggino
Distance: 40 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: SchegginoStronconeCyclingAll the directionsSouthern WayAll the directionsSouthern WayMediumSchegginoStronconeSchegginoStroncone

m bike route on st francis way from piediluco scheggino

Southern Way - Stage 5

from Piediluco to Scheggino

From: Piediluco
To: Scheggino
Distance: 31 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: MontelucoPiedilucoSchegginoTreviCyclingAll the directionsSouthern WayAll the directionsSouthern WayMediumPiedilucoSchegginoMontelucoPiedilucoSchegginoTrevi

m route by bike southern way scheggino Monteluco

Southern Way - Stage 6

from Scheggino to Monteluco

From: Scheggino
To: Monteluco
Distance: 35 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: MontelucoSchegginoTreviCyclingAll the directionsSouthern WayAll the directionsSouthern WayChallengingMontelucoSchegginoMontelucoSchegginoTrevi

m way of South pilgrimage by bike from Monteluco to trevi

Southern Way - Stage 7

from Monteluco to Trevi

From: Monteluco
To: Trevi
Distance: 30 Km
Difficulty: medium-easy
Tags: MontelucoTreviCyclingAll the directionsSouthern WayAll the directionsSouthern WayEasyMediumMontelucoTreviMontelucoTrevi

m the via di francesco pilgrimage meditation by bike

Southern Way - Stage 8

from Trevi to Assisi

From: Trevi
Arrivo: Assisi
Distance: 35 Km
Difficulty: medium-easy
Tags: CyclingAll the directionsSouthern WayAll the directionsSouthern WayEasyMediumAssisiTreviAssisiTrevi

m solitude and meditation on path to francesco

Roman Way - Stage 1

from La Verna to Pieve Santo Stefano

From: La Verna (Arezzo)
To: Pieve Santo Stefano (Arezzo)
Distance: 14,9 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumLa VernaPieve Santo Stefano

m ovunquue tappe via di san francesco di assisi

Roman Way - Stage 2

from Pieve Santo Stefano to Sansepolcro

From: Pieve Santo Stefano (Arezzo)
To: Sansepolcro (Arezzo)
Distance: 35,17 Km
Difficulty: very challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingPieve Santo StefanoSansepolcro

m walk together travel on foot track of francesco

Roman Way - Stage 3

from Sansepolcro to Citerna

From: Sansepolcro (Arezzo)
To: Citerna
Distance: 12,17 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyCiternaSansepolcro

m via francigena di san francesco spiritual pilgrimage franciscan site

Roman Way - Stage 4

from Citerna to Città di Castello

From: Citerna
To: Città di Castello
Distance: 19,9 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumCiternaCittà di Castello

m around greccio path of saint francis Assisi franciscan places

Roman Way - Stage 5

from Città di Castello to Pietralunga

From: Città di Castello
To: Pietralunga
Distance: 29,535 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingCittà di CastelloPietralunga

m Spiritual journey in the footsteps of St Francis of Assisi pilgrimage camino

Roman Way - Stage 6

from Pietralunga to Gubbio

From: Pietralunga
To: Gubbio
Distance: 26,145 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumGubbioPietralunga

m pilgrims walking along the way of st francis assisi stages of the journey

Roman Way - Stage 7

from Gubbio to Valfabbrica

From: Gubbio
To: Valfabbrica
Distance: 38 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingGubbioValfabbrica

m franciscan sites pilgrimage in the footstep of saint francis of assisi

Roman Way - Stage 8 

from Valfabbrica to Assisi

From: Valfabbrica
To: Assisi
Distance: 13,46 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyAssisiValfabbrica

m pilgrims walk together on path to san Francesco of Assisi

Roman Way - Alternative route through Perugia - Stage 8A

from Valfabbrica to Perugia

Form: Valfabbrica
To: Perugia
Distance: 29,2 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingPerugiaValfabbrica

m perugia assisi via di francesco pellegrini viaggio a piedi

Roman Way - Alternative route through Perugia - Stage 8B

from Perugia to Assisi

From: Perugia
To: Assisi
Distance: 25,37 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumAssisiPerugia

m pathway of olive from spoleto to assisi franciscan itinerary

Roman Way - Stage 9

from Assisi to Foligno

From: Assisi
To: Foligno
Distance: 19,345 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyAssisiFoligno

m trevi foligno franciscan places francescos way assisi

Roman Way - Stage 9A (hiking)

from Assisi to Foligno

From: Assisi
To: Foligno
Distance: 22,25 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingAssisiFoligno

m pissignano trevi poreta viaggio a piedi sulla via di francesco

Roman Way - Stage 10

from Foligno to Trevi

From: Foligno
To: Trevi
Distance: 12,448 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumFolignoTrevi

m francesco way assisi pilgrims on prayer

Roman Way - Stage 11

from Trevi to Poreta

From: Trevi
To: Poreta
Distance: 12,075 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumPoretaTrevi

m path of pilgrimage on foot on track of francesco

Roman Way - Stage 12

from Poreta to Spoleto

From: Poreta
To: Spoleto
Distance: 15,55 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumPoretaSpoleto

m panoramic trip on foot on track of francesco

Roman Way - Stage 13

from Spoleto to Ceselli

From: Spoleto
To: Ceselli
Distance: 16,24 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingCeselliSpoleto

m Path of saint Francis walking on franciscan places

Roman Way - Stage 14

from Ceselli to Arrone

From: Ceselli 
To: Arrone
Distance: 14,635 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyArroneCeselli

m the path of saint francis meditation in franciscan places

Roman Way - Stage 15

from Arrone to Piediluco

From: Arrone 
To: Piediluco
Distance: 12,987 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyArronePiediluco

m francescos way meditations in symbolic places

Roman Way - Alternative route through Terni - Stage 15A

from Arrone to Terni

From: Arrone 
To: Terni
Distance: 15,7 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumArroneTerni

m excursion and meditation walking Francesco of Assisi

Roman Way - Alternative route through Terni - Stage 15B

from Terni to Greccio

From: Terni
To: Greccio
Distance: 21,925 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingGreccioTerni

m pilgrimage and self seeking on track of francesco of assisi

Roman Way - Alternative route through Terni - Stage 15C

from Greccio to Rieti

From: Greccio
To: Rieti
Distance: 23,45 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingGreccioRieti

m experience of life in track and in franciscan place

Roman Way - Stage 16

from Piediluco to Poggio Bustone

From: Piediluco 
To: Poggio Bustone
Distance: 22,041 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingPiedilucoPoggio Bustone

m assisi track of Francesco pilgrimage on foot

Roman Way - Stage 17

from Poggio Bustone to Rieti

From: Poggio Bustone 
To: Rieti
Distance: 17,794 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayMediumPoggio BustoneRieti

m pilgrimage diary on san francesco way

Roman Way - Stage 18

from Rieti to Poggio San Lorenzo

From: Rieti 
To: Poggio San Lorenzo
Distance: 21,815 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingPoggio San LorenzoRieti

m travel on foot along the track of san francesco

Roman Way - Stage 19

from Poggio San Lorenzo to Ponticelli di Scandriglia

From: Poggio San Lorenzo
To: Ponticelli di Scandriglia
Distance: 20,41 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingPoggio San LorenzoPonticelli di Scandriglia

m path of pilgrimage on foot on track of francesco

Roman Way - Stage 20

from Ponticelli di Scandriglia to Monterotondo

From: Ponticelli di Scandriglia
To: Monterotondo
Distance: 28,885 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingMonterotondoPonticelli di Scandriglia

m pellegrinaggio e meditazione sul cammino di francesco di assisi

Roman Way - Stage 20A

alternative route to Farfa

From: Ponticelli di Scandriglia
To: Acquaviva di Nerola
Distance: 26,265 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingFarfa

m pellegrini in viaggio e meditazione sulla via di francesco pellegrinaggio

Roman Way - Stage 21

from Monterotondo to Monte Sacro

From: Monterotondo
To: Monte Sacro
Distance: 18,05 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyMonte SacroMonterotondo

pellegrinaggio tau simbolo di francesco di assisi

Roman Way - Stage 22

Rome: from Monte Sacro to San Pietro

From: Monte Sacro 
To: San Pietro
Distance: 15,21 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: WalkingAll the directionsRoman WayEasyMonte SacroRoma

m escursione in bici sulla via di francesco da la verna ad assisi

Roman Way - Stage 1

From La Verna to Citerna

From: La Verna (Arezzo)
To: Citerna
Distance: 55 Km
Difficulty: medium-challenging
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayMediumChallengingCiternaLa Verna

m Cycle together trip by bike on Francis of Assisi route

Roman Way - Stage 2

From Citerna to Pietralunga

From: Citerna
To: Pietralunga
Distance: 46,3 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingCiternaPietralunga

m pietralunga by bike path of san francis assisi Franciscan places

Roman Way - Stage 3

From Pietralunga to Gubbio

From: Pitralunga
To: Gubbio
Distance: 27 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayMediumGubbioPietralunga

m way of francis by bike reflections experience of life

Roman Way - Stage 4

From Gubbio to Valfabbrica

From: Gubbio
To: Valfabbrica
Distance: 35,5 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingGubbioValfabbrica

m cycling hiking by bike on francis way

Roman Way - Stage 5

From Valfabbrica to Perugia

From: Valfabbrica
To: Perugia
Distance: 28 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayMediumPerugiaValfabbrica

m path by bike on via di francesco pilgrimage and meditation

Roman Way - Alternative route - Stage 5A

From Valfabbrica to Assisi

From: Valfabbrica
To: Assisi
Distance: 25 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayEasyAssisiValfabbrica

m perugia francis way roman way experience by bicycle

Roman Way - Stage 6

From Perugia to Assisi

From: Perugia
To: Assisi
Distance: 25 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayEasyAssisiPerugia

m ride by bike Franciscan way

Roman Way - Stage 7

From Assisi to Trevi

From: Assisi
To: Trevi
Distance: 37 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayMediumAssisiTrevi

m Assisi trevi ride by bike route of francis

Roman Way - Stage 8

From Trevi to Monteluco

From: Trevi
To: Monteluco
Distance: 30 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingMontelucoTrevi

m way of francesco assisi group of pilgrims by bike

Roman Way - Stage 9

From Monteluco to Scheggino

From: Monteluco
To: Scheggino
Distance: 33 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingMontelucoScheggino

m experience of life in on Franciscan places bicycle

Roman Way - Stage 10

From Scheggino to Piediluco

From: Scheggino
To: Piediluco
Distance: 32 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayMediumPiedilucoScheggino

m pilgrimage by bike on the route of saint Francis of Assisi

Roman Way - Alternative route - Stage 10A

From Scheggino to Stroncone

From: Scheggino
To: Stroncone
Distance: 40 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingSchegginoStroncone

m the way of francis meditation by bike to symbolic places

Roman Way - Alternative route - Stage 10B

From Stroncone to Greccio

From: Stroncone
To: Greccio
Distance: 44 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingGreccioStroncone

m excursion and meditation on Francis way by bike

Roman Way - Alternative route - Stage 10C

From Greccio to Rieti

From: Greccio
To: Rieti
Distance: 21,5 Km
Difficulty: easy
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayEasyGreccioRieti

m pilgrimage by bike via di francesco

Roman Way - Stage 11

From Piediluco to Rieti

From: Piediluco
To: Rieti
Distance: 44,7 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingPiedilucoRieti

m francesco ways via francigena cycling

Roman Way - Stage 12

From Rieti to Ponticelli

From: Rieti
To: Ponticelli
Distance: 45 Km
Difficulty: challenging
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayChallengingPonticelli di ScandrigliaRieti

m ride the franciscan spirit by bike the way of saint francis

Roman Way - Stage 13

From Ponticelli di Scandriglia to Monterotondo

From: Ponticelli di Scandriglia
To: Monterotondo
Distance: 30 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayMediumMonterotondoPonticelli di Scandriglia

m stage by bike the via di francesco di assisi vatican

Roman Way - Stage 14

from Monterotondo to San Pietro

From: Monterotondo
To: San Pietro
Distance: 35 Km
Difficulty: medium
Tags: CyclingRoman WayAll the directionsRoman WayMediumMonterotondoPonticelli di Scandriglia

There are different forms of hospitality available to those who are walking

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